The languages that Envision Glasses can read via Text To Speech are as follows:
Languages Envision Glasses can read in Online Mode
- Albanian, Albanian (sq-AL)
- Arabic (ar)
- Bangla, Bangladesh (bn-BD)
- Bangla, India (bn-IN)
- Bosnian, Bosnia and Herzegovina (bs-BA)
- Bulgarian (bg)
- Catalan, Spain (ca)
- Cantonese, Hong Kong (yue-HK)
- Chinese, China (zh-CN)
- Chinese, Taiwan (zh-TW)
- Croatian, Croatia (hr-HR)
- Czech, Czech Repbulic (cs-CZ)
- Danish, Denmark (da-DK)
- Dutch, The Netherlands (nl-NL)
- English, Australia (en-AU)
- English, India (en-IN)
- English, Nigeria (en-NG)
- English, United Kingdom (en-GB)
- English, United States (en-US)
- Estonian, Estonia (et-EE)
- Filipino, Philippines (fil-PH)
- Finnish, Finland (fi-FI)
- French, Canada (fr-CA)
- French, France (fr-FR)
- German, Germany (de-DE)
- Greek, Greece (el-GR)
- Gujarati, India (gu-IN)
- Hebrew, Israel (he, IL)
- Hindi, India (hi-IN)
- Hungarian, Hungary (hu-HU)
- Indonesian, Indonesia (id-ID)
- Italian, Italy (it-IT)
- Japanese, Japan (ja-JP)
- Javanese, Indonesia (jv-ID)
- Khmer, Cambodia (km-KH)
- Korean, South Korea (ko-KR)
- Korean (ko)
- Kurdish
- Malayalam, India (ml-IN)
- Marathi, India (mr-IN)
- Nepali, Nepal (ne-NP)
- Norwegian, Norway (nb-NO)
- Polish, Poland (pl-PL)
- Portuguese, Brazil (pt-BR)
- Portuguese, Portugal (pt-PT)
- Romanian, Romania (ro-RO)
- Russian, Russia (ru-RU)
- Serbian, Serbia (sr)
- Sinhala, Sri Lanka (si-LK)
- Slovak, Slovakia (sk-SK)
- Spanish, Latin America (es-US)
- Spanish, Spain (es-ES)
- Sundanese, Indonesia (su-ID)
- Swahili, East African Coast (sw)
- Swedish, Sweden (sv-SE)
- Tamil, India (ta-IN)
- Telugu, India (te-IN)
- Thai, Thailand (th-TH)
- Turkish, Turkey (tr-TR)
- Ukrainian, Ukraine (uk-UA)
- Urdu, Pakistan (ur-PK)
- Vietnamese, Vietnam (vi-VN)
- Welsh, United Kingdom (cy)
Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that although Envision Glasses can read the above languages, we are always dependent on the restrictions that may apply to our service in each region. If you have any doubts about whether our product can be used in your region, please contact and we will confirm this information for you.
Languages Envision Glasses can read in Offline Mode
All the above except Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, Khmer, Kurdish, Malayalam, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Ukrainian and Russian.
To check the list of available languages to change your Envision Glasses menu, see Change Device Language
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