Batch Scan allows you to scan more than one document at a time. You can read multiple pages of text in one sitting by scanning multiple images consecutively. This is then processed and spoken out as paragraphs and pages that you can scroll through at your own pace. This feature could be used for reading multi-page documents such as magazines and books. The context menu behaves the same as the Scan Text feature. The gestures to scan a second page are different and explained below.
To scan two or more pages, follow these steps:
Step 1: Navigate the main menu and do a one-finger double tap in the sub-menu More Features.
Step 2: Do a one-finger double tap in Batch Scan or simply use Voice Commands. If Batch Scan is one of your favourite features and you want to find it in the main menu of the glasses, you can always add it by following the steps in the following article: Personalize your Menu
Step 3: Depending on whether text detection is enabled, you will be informed that the first page is scanned.
Step 4: Do a one-finger double tap again to scan the second page. Repeat this step for the pages that follow.
Step 5: If you are done scanning the pages or pieces of text, a two-finger single tap to complete scanning.
Step 6: A success sound will be played and all scanned text will be opened in the reader. Just like the Reader that opens after Scan Text, the text with multiple pages that you scan with Batch Scan can also be exported to the Envision App.
How to export scanned text to your phone?
The Envision Glasses have the possibility to export the text to the library on the Envision App. Keep in mind that exporting text always requires an internet connection.
To export the text follow the steps below:
Step 1: Do a one-finger double-tap on Batch Text and scan the pages to be exported. The text will open in the Reader.
Step 2: Now, in the Reader, do a two-finger single tap, this will export the text.
Step 3: Open your Envision App on your phone.
Step 4: Go to the Envision App library and select Import File and then Import from Glasses. The scanned text will then be available in the library on the Envision App.
Step 5: If needed, you can download the scanned text or share it with other apps on your phone.
How To Use Batch Scan Offline?
Since the launch of the new software update 2.2.0, we have added the Batch Text feature as an offline option, which means you can now read any type of multi-page document anywhere. The choice is yours.
We've noticed that many of you are actively using the Envision Glasses while on the go. While it is possible to connect your glasses to your phone's hotspot, we understand that there are times when you don't have the luxury of time or access to a reliable internet connection. That's where the offline features come in handy.
Similar to the way you're familiar with using Instant Text, you can now open the Context Menu of Batch Text by doing a two-finger single tap and enable the Offline Mode. Once activated, you can use Batch Scan to read any documents.
Here is a quick video explaining how to start batch scanning documents in offline mode:
What is the difference between online and offline Batch Scan?
You might be wondering about the difference between the online and offline modes for Batch Scan The online version still offers higher accuracy and an additional feature called Layout Detection. Layout Detection recognizes columns and headers in text. This option can be turned on within the context menu of Scan Text and Batch Scan if you are reading text that has more than one column or headings. Enabling this feature is not yet possible with the Batch Scan in offline mode.
Note: This feature works in online and offline mode. For more information on which features do and do not require an Internet connection, see Which features of Envision Glasses need an internet connection? and Which features work without an Internet connection?
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